NAME: Bonita
COUNTY: White Pine
CLIMATE: Hot summer, cool winter.
BEST TIME TO VISIT: Anytime but winter.
COMMENTS: Was much at one time.
REMAINS: Nothing.

The first discoveries at Bonita took place in 1869, but it wasn’t until 1913 that measurable production took place. The Tilford Mine was discovered in the spring of 1913 and a two-ton mill was built to treat the ore. The camp had a population of 23 and a pair of saloons. The mill was doomed to failure, however. Not only was it poorly built but also the mines could not produce enough ore for the mill. Bonita was abandoned by 1920 after production of only $10,000 that did not come close to covering the cost of the mill. No activity has taken place since and only mill ruins mark the site. Submitted by: HBC