NAME: Bull Run
CLIMATE: Pleasant summer, heavy snow in winter.
BEST TIME TO VISIT: Summer, autumn.
COMMENTS: Great views.
REMAINS: Many mining sites.

The mine was discovered in 1869 high on a mountainside that led to the formation of a small camp. Because of its inaccessibility, the mine produced relatively little until the turn of the century when new gold discoveries lured people from nearby Tuscarora to Bull Run. By 1903 the mines had almost a mile of underground workings. In 1904 the population at Bull Run consisted of forty men and one woman, the wife of the superintendent. However, the production of gold soon began to decline and by 1910 only a few hardy souls worked the mines. Today, Bull Run is difficult to reach but spectacular views and interesting remnants make seeing it well worth the effort.

Submitted by: Shawn Hall from his books Old Heart Of Nevada: Ghost Towns And Mining Camps Of Elko County Click here to purchase his book!

Connecting The West: Historic Railroad Stops And Stage Stations In Elko County, Nevada Click here to purchase his book!