NAME: Byng Inlet COUNTY: -- ROADS: 2WD GRID: 1 CLIMATE: Snow in Winter, Warm Summer. BEST TIME TO VISIT: Summer |
Worth Seeing. REMAINS: Original buildings throughout newer ones. |
Although most of the mill town is gone, much has survived and is worth a visit. Byng Inlet was once one of Canada�s biggest sawmill towns. It was the site of the second largest sawmill in Canada. The entire operation covered an area of more than a square mile. In the center of town were three churches, stores, and a hotel that employed thirty-five people. The town started in 1902 with the building of the sawmill and its population grew to more than 450 residents. For twenty-five years the town prospered by shipping out its lumber at the rate of 20,000 board feet of lumber every other day. The mill closed in 1927, its sources of lumber nearly exhausted. Even though newer structures exist, the ghosts of Byng Inlet are still present. Submitted by: Henry Chenoweth |