NAME: Beauchene
COUNTY: Temiscamingue
CLIMATE: Winter with snow, warm summers
BEST TIME TO VISIT: Mid-april to late may, seotember-november
COMMENTS: Hard to accesse, Old Beauchene Road, ~9 km south of Temiscaming.
REMAINS: I major foundation (garage), old boiler and and part.
Initially a portage, a small settlement soon took root and by the 1880's a small stopping place, and a timber driving company were already in place. A few dwellings were established as well. Eventually to shorten the portage, a narrow guage line was built by Catholic priests to aid settlement farther North in New Quebec. By 1896 the C.P.R. purchased the line and strung a proper rail between Mattawa and Temiscamingue. In 1903 a post office was added, and lumbermen were using the siding to ship pine to nearby sawmills, or pulpwood to the nearby Riordon Puplp and Paper Co. (1918). The community also boasted a station. Lumbering operations were conducted in numerous different fashions and by many different people. With It's usefullness outlived by the 50's most left. The post office closed down for good in 1952. Submitted by: Yvan P.Charbonneau