WARNING: Ghosttowns.com employs the use of ASK (Anti-Spam-Killer). The first time you send us an email, it will not get to us. It will bounce back to you so watch for it. When it bounces back to you, it will tell you that you tried to send an email to us, but it didnt get there and that you need to reply to that email so we know it was really you that was sending the mail and not a spammer. Once you hit reply to the bounce back, you will be added to our whitelist and you will never have to do that again and you will be able to send email like normal. If you do not reply to the bounce back, we will never get your email. Thanks.

For Corrections and Updates

Ghosttowns.com welcomes all corrections and updates in the interest of accuracy on the site. Please follow these guidelines in submitting your corrections and/or updates.

1. Make sure to include the corrections and/or updates in the first email

2. Make sure to give the town and state first, followed by any corrections.

3. If applicable, please list the last time you visited the site.


For Submitting Ghost Town Pictures

1. Please make sure we do not already have pictures of the same subjects for that town as we are not accepting duplicate pictures at this time. If there are already pictures for a particular town, but you have pictures of that town that are of different buildings or mines etc, than please submit them.


For Directions and Travel Planning 

Ghosttowns.com is a huge website with thousands of files and pictures and is growing everyday. We receive up to 150 emails per day, many of which are people asking for directions or travel planning. As the staff at ghosttowns.com are all on a volunteer basis, we cannot provide this service without charging a fee. There are just not enough hours in the day to answer all the emails. Therefore, we are considering a paid staff person that would answer these types of emails for a fee of $10 each. Feel free to email us with any questions.



For Submitting Ghost towns

1. Please Make sure the ghost town is not already on the website




For Submitting Ghost town Books

1. Please Make sure the ghost town book is not already on the website




For Submitting Ghost town Things to Do

1. Please Make sure the ghost town thing to do is not already on the website




 For Advertising Questions

1. There is a link on the Ghosttowns.com Home Page that says "Advertising" which might answer your questions. If not, feel free to email us.



For Ghosttowns.com Mission and Goal Questions

1. There is a link on the Ghosttowns.com Home Page that says "About Ghosttowns.com". If after reading this you still have questions or comments, please feel free to email us.



 For all other Questions or Comments

1. If you have a question or comment that doesn't fit into one of the above categories, please feel free to email us.



 For Ghost Town News Article Submissions

1. Make sure to include a headline.



For Questions Concerning How to Use Ghosttowns.com

Make sure you have read the "How to use this Website" page before emailing as this page answers the most common questions about using ghosttowns.com including how to print the pages even though the text is white. The link to the "How to" page is on the home page of ghosttowns.com at the bottom, or you can click here. If you have a question that is not answered on the "How to" page, feel free to email us.