Chloride City is located on the northern
end of the Funeral Mountains in a remote part of Death Valley.
There are a few crumbling buildings left.

"Cousin Jack"
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Old automobiles
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Chloride City. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Hill City
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Inside remains in a Chloride City ruin. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Chloride City. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Chloride City
Courtesy Gar Jorgenson

Chloride City
Courtesy Gar Jorgenson

Chloride City in the Snow
Courtesy Bill Cook

Dugout Dwelling
Courtesy Bill Cook

Mercury processing plant
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Chloride City boarding house
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Boarding house ruins. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

WESTERN PLACES publisher Alan Patera and his dog, Charley, check out
a dugout that once housed a single or group of miners. It continues to
be a well insulated and cozy home, complete with stove remains, shelves
and well braced against winter's cold or summer heat. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Grave of James McKay. There is nothing known about him. Otherwise there
are no other known graves in Chloride City. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

A cousin jack type dwelling. The rear access, once buried into the
hillside, leads its way into a mine tunnel. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Chloride Cliff, elevation 5,279, making it at least 5,379 feet above
the floor of Death Valley below. The townsite of Chloride City is located
a half mile behind the camera and a few hundred feet lower. April 9, 1999.
Courtesy David A. Wright
Great Basin Research

Chloride City Building Remains
Courtesy Bill Cook

Chloride City Dwelling
Courtesy Bill Cook

Snow in Chloride City
Courtesy Bill Cook

Truck Fenders
Courtesy Bill Cook

Chloride City Sign

Mine Shaft
Courtesy Jyri&Mia

Water Tank
Courtesy Jyri&Mia