NAME: Fort Dallas
CLIMATE: Fine year round
COMMENTS: No residents. Housed on the grounds of Lummas Park, Miami
REMAINS: Barracks Building
Fort Dallas was established on the Miami River about 1836 to help with the ongoing unrest of the Seminole Indians. United States Navy Lieutenant L. Powell reportedly built blockhouses and other buildings to house his troops. In 1838 Captain L.B. Webster arrived and called the new post Fort Dallas after Commodore Alexander James Dallas of the U.S. Navy. Other post commanders were: Captain J. R. Vinton , Captain Martin Burke, Captain B.H. Mill. During the many occupations of the fort the remaining stone structure had, at times, a second story of wood. When the troops were withdrawn the wood was usually removed. Many owners of the property transpired until the property was purchased by Julia Tuttle in 1890. Julia Tuttle is well known as the person who encouraged Henry Flagler to extend his railroad to Miami. However she did not live to see the arrival. The �barracks�, as they are called, remained on the site as the only remnant of the fort until 1924 when an apartment building was slated to occupy the site. The coquina stone building was disassembled in sections and moved to Lummas Park. The existing chimneys and barred windows do not appear to be a part of the original fort structure but were additions added later. Information from the public record Submitted by Mike Woodfin Submitted by: MIke Woodfin

Fort Dallas
Courtesy Mike Woodfin

Fort Dallas
Courtesy Mike Woodfin

known as the "long building" this is the only structure left from Fort Dallas
Courtesy Jim Pike

Front entrance to the old Fort Dallas barracks, now headquarters of the Everglades Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Courtesy Jim Pike

A look inside the Fort Dallas building, June 2009
Town: Fort Dallas
Courtesy Jim Pike

Former William English Plantation Slave Quarters, converted to soldiers barracks at Fort Dallas
Courtesy Jim Pike

Fort Dallas 1880's,
Courtesy of the Florida Archives

Fort Dallas site at the mouth of the Miami River, 1895
Courtesy Jim Pike

Former Fort Dallas building used as Julia Tuttle's home, early 1900's. 
Courtesy of the Florida Archives

Fort Dallas 1925,
Courtesy of the Florida Archives